Can You take NyQuil While Pregnant

Can You take NyQuil While Pregnant
Can You take NyQuil While Pregnant

NyQuil is considered the best for instant cold and sore throat relief. It contains alcohol and is infamously used for treating pains and aches too.

But should you take NyQuil while pregnant?

The short answer is no. You should never take NyQuil to cure coldness, fever, or sore throat during pregnancy. It contains 4 active and inactive alcohol ingredients.

Before you read any further, you should know that as per the American Academy of Family Physicians’ research, phenylephrine is linked with birth defects which is one of its major ingredients.

Can You take NyQuil While Pregnant
Can You take NyQuil While Pregnant

Two out of five NyQuil ingredients are not safe to use during pregnancy. We strongly suggest you take your physician’s advice before using any medicine or home remedy.

It is very important to know about the ingredients used in over-the-counter medication. Well, that’s why we have done our complete research to guide you more properly.

So sit back and keep on reading the essential information you must know during your pregnancy.

Editor’s Note:

We are not a team of professional doctors. The information is totally based on our research and publications. We strongly recommend you consult with your doctor first before taking any medicine while pregnant.

Types Of NyQuil

It has three main types. Each type contains different ingredients and has a different effect.

  1. NyQuil Cold & Flu
  2. NyQuil Severe Cold & Flu
  3. NyQuil Cough

The rule of thumb is that it all depends on the types of ingredients to decide whether it is safe or not during pregnancy.

Ingredients In NyQuil

Alcohol is one of the inactive ingredients which is often not recommended to use during the early pregnancy days. 

Apart from it, the phenylephrine HCl is also linked with birth defects which is heavily used in the NyQuil Severe Cold & Flu.

IngredientEffect On PregnancyCommon Health Side Effects
dextromethorphan HBrNo Effect
(No Major Risks)
Nervousness, Vomit, Nausea, Rash
acetaminophenNo Effect
(Save To Use Short Term)
Itching, liver Damage, Hives, Skin Itch
doxylamine succinateNo Effect
(Consult Doctor First)
Dry Mouth, Headache
Blur Vision, Urinating Trouble
phenylephrine HClHarmful
(Birth Defects, Dangerous)
Sleeplessness, Dizziness, Nervousness
Liquid form alcoholHarmful
(Premature Birth)
Development Disabilities
  • Whether you feel flu-like symptoms before labor or during the early days; it is best to skip NyQuil.
  • Don’t forget to read the ingredients while buying it over the counter. 
  • Out of all three types, NyQuil Severe Cold & Flu should always be avoided.
NyQuil Severe Cold & Flu should always be avoided
NyQuil Severe Cold & Flu should always be avoided

What Ingredients In NyQuil Make You Sleepy?

Doxylamine  is the main ingredient that causes sleepiness and gives you rest from cough and flu. A 12.5mg Doxylamine is present in each 30mL of NyQuil liquid solution.  Usually, it takes 30 minutes to fall asleep after a normal dose.

NyQuil Side Effects

The short answer is NyQuil has many side effects on your health both in the short and long run. In the worst-case scenario, regular and over-usage may result in severe anxiety attacks and even death.

IngredientEffect On PregnancyCommon Health Side Effects
dextromethorphan HBrNo Effect
(No Major Risks)
Nervousness, Vomit, Nausea, Rash
acetaminophenNo Effect
(Save To Use Short Term)
Itching, liver Damage, Hives, Skin Itch
doxylamine succinateNo Effect
(Consult Doctor First)
Dry Mouth, Headache
Blur Vision, Urinating Trouble
phenylephrine HClHarmful
(Birth Defects, Dangerous)
Sleeplessness, Dizziness, Nervousness
Liquid form alcoholHarmful
(Premature Birth)
Development Disabilities
  • During the pregnancy, it is best to avoid any alcohol consumption as it may result in premature baby birth or physical disabilities.
  • Phenylephrine is the main reason why you should never take NyQuil without a doctor’s prescription.

NyQuil While Pregnant Trimester Wise

The first trimester is the most crucial and critical stage of pregnancy. That’s why most doctors don’t recommend using it. Here’s everything You need to know about its consumption during the whole 9 months:

Type1st Trimester2nd Trimester3rd Trimester
NyQuil Cold & Flu☑️☑️☑️
NyQuil Cough☑️☑️Only if Doctor Recommends
NyQuil Severe Cold & FluOnly if Doctor Recommends
  • Every pregnancy case is different. That’s why sometimes physicians recommend using Nyquil Severe Cold & Flu in a small quantity during the 3rd trimester.
NyQuil While Pregnant Trimester Wise
NyQuil While Pregnant Trimester Wise

Can NyQuil Cause Miscarriage?

No, it cannot cause miscarriage. The limited amount, as recommended is safe to use during any trimester of pregnancy. Keep in mind that its overuse can affect the baby’s health and growth. 

Nyquil Severe Cold & Flu type is notoriously linked with premature births and defects.

I Took NyQuil Severe While Pregnant

If you have accidentally taken a shot of serve, then you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Before you panic, be assured that one single severe shot can’t cause any damage.

But for your baby’s sake, it is best to consult a physician first. During our research, we have found that NyQuil severe is not suitable to use in any pregnancy trimester.

The Bottom Line

Addiction or overuse of any medicine is bad for both mother and baby. The borderline is that you should always consult your doctor first before taking NyQuil while pregnant. It is best to avoid NyQuil Severe at every cost.

We strongly recommend you read the ingredients of every over-the-counter medicine. If there is phenylephrine HCI presence in the medicine, then consult the issue with your physician before even taking a single dose.

We hope that this article helps you. While in the meantime, be happy and stay away from the medicines that can cause any harm to your womb. 

Malissa Carter
We are so blessed to have her majesty, a.k.a the queen of 4 the love of mommy “Malissa.” She was born in 1962. Got married to Murphy in 1983. She is an expert mom with the experience of almost 40 years of motherhood.