6 Effective and Quick Ways to Get Slime Out of Clothes

How To Get Slime Out Of Clothes

Slime is great for kid’s science projects. While playing with the slime, kids can stick it to any fabric, carpets, and even their hair. 

Slime can leave stains on clothes & dried slime can be a little harder to remove.

You can remove dried slime from clothes using white vinegar, acetic acid, or rubbing alcohol in circular motions.

Homemade slime stains can be removed easily by applying baking soda paste, laundry detergent or gently dabbing it with a damp cloth.

To obliterate the stain, you should apply little more than just elbow grease. 

How to get slime out of clothes?

Use a butter knife or tweezer to remove the excess wet slime out of clothes. Furthermore, dried slime can be removed with the help of the below-listed kitchen items.

  1. Ice.
  2. Vinegar.
  3. Baking Soda Paste.
  4. Dish Soap.
  5. Laundry Detergent.
  6. Acetic Acid.
  7. Alcohol.

Let’s look at how to remove the slime with daily used kitchen products.

1. Vinegar.

Slime can be effectively removed from fabric with white vinegar if the slime is stuck to your favorite shirt. 


With these ingredients & following these steps, you can get wet slime out without harsh chemicals.


  • White Vinegar – 2tbs
  • Warm Water – As Required.

How to get slime out from clothes with vinegar?


  1. Make a solution by adding vinegar to the water.
  2. Apply white vinegar to wet slime and leave it for 3-5 minutes. 
  3. Then, scrub the remaining slime by using a soft toothbrush. 
  4. Gently wash the stain with lukewarm water.

Never Soak the fabric into vinegar for more than 20 minutes as it can damage the color. 

2. Baking Soda.

Baking soda is the substitute for almost everything. Parents or caregivers can quickly remove the dries slime from a child’s clothes with baking soda paste.



  • Baking soda – 1tbs.
  • White vinegar – 1tbs.
  • Dish Soap – 1tbs.
  • Warm Water – As required. 

How to remove dry slime with baking soda quickly?


  1. Make a thick paste by adding Baking soda, Dish soap into regular vinegar. Mix warm water into the paste to make it runny.
  2. Cover the slime with this mixture.
  3. Allow the mixture to dry.
  4. Remove the mixture after 20 minutes with a dry towel or any paper towel.
  5. Wash the clothing item.

How to get rid of slime from clothes without using vinegar?

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3. Ice Cubes.

Ice cubes are very effective at removing slime from kids’ clothes. 

Ice Cubes


  • Ice Cubes.
  • Running water for washing purposes.

How to get slime out from clothes with ice?


  1. Try to remove excess slime by using a comb or tweezer.
  2. Rub the ice cubes in a circular motion on the affected area.
  3. If the slime remains, put the clothing item into a freezer bag and place it there for 3 hours.
  4. Peel out the frozen slime with the help of tweezers.
  5. Wash the fabric with running water. 

4. Dish Soap.

You can clean slime from any cloth by using regular dish soap. Dish soap is also great for removing the slime from carpets and rugs.

Dish Soap


  • Dish Soap – 2tbs
  • Cold Water – As Required.

How to remove slime with Dish Soap effectively?


  1. Apply a generous amount of dish soap to the dry slime or slime-stained clothes.
  2. Allow the soap to settle for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Once softened, scrub the cloth together slightly with your hands.
  4. The slime will come off pretty nicely.
  5. Wash the fabric in cold water afterward.

5. Laundry Detergent.

Laundry detergent can also save your favorite clothes from slime stains. Detergent is excellent for removing any slime stain from your fabric and carpets.

Laundry Detergent


  • Detergent – 2tbs
  • Cold Water – As Required.
  • Lemon Juice.

How to remove slime stains from clothes with laundry detergent?


  1. Make a thick paste of detergent by mixing it with lemon juice.
  2. Apply the paste onto the slime-affected cloth.
  3. Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  4. Gently scrub it with a soft toothbrush or a damp cloth to prevent more mess.
  5. Wash it as usual.

Lemon Juice will also provide fresh amora to fabric, removing the stain effectively.

6. Alcohol. 

Slime stains can easily be removed by rubbing the pure alcohol in circular motions to the affected area.


How do you remove dried slime out of clothes with alcohol?


  1. Remove the excessive dry slime with hands or lice comb gently.
  2. Dip the paper towel into alcohol and rub it to the fabric.
  3. Scrub gently into circular motions.
  4. The slime will get out smoothly.
  5. Wash the clothes accordingly to label.

Never soak or apply alcohol to clothes directly. Always be careful while dealing with alcohol, as isopropyl alcohol can damage the surface of your eyes.


Slime gets to everything, and it is a bit harder to remove it from clothes, sofa fabric, or carpets. Baking soda paste, usual dish soap, or white vinegar can quickly get the slime out of clothes.

Be careful while rubbing the alcohol on the fabric. Never overuse vinegar to remove slime stains from clothes.

Malissa Carter
We are so blessed to have her majesty, a.k.a the queen of 4 the love of mommy “Malissa.” She was born in 1962. Got married to Murphy in 1983. She is an expert mom with the experience of almost 40 years of motherhood.